商品名(trade name)
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藥理作用(Pharmacological Effects)
*muscle relaxant that acts by abolishing excitation-contraction coupling in muscle cells, probably by action on the ryanodine receptor
*inhibit RYR of Excitation-Contraction Coupling, and cause calcium ion cannot release. RYR is on Sarcoplasmic reticulum:詳細說明當動作電位到達肌細胞時,會造成T小管上的DHPR與SR上的RYR發生構型上的變化,使得鈣離子從肌漿質網釋出,造成肌肉收縮。而Dantrlene則會與骨骼肌上的RYR1結合(非平滑肌RYR2或心肌,具選擇性),讓鈣離子釋放減少造成骨骼肌的舒張。 參見:興奮收縮聯合作用(Excitation-Contraction Coupling, EC coupling) ![]() 資料來源:farmacol |
用量與用法(Dosage and Usage)
]per os is common, from low dose to high dose 25mg~100mg/day. This drug can be use bid or qid
]IV infusion ]IV bolus |
{惡性高溫臨床症狀(clinical signs of malignant hyperthermia):同時施打全身麻醉劑(halothane)與骨骼肌鬆弛劑(SCh)後,會造成SR上的鈣離子通道持續開啟,使肌肉過度收縮
參見:痙攣(spasticity) |
副作用(Side effect)
}some CNS infection
}Lethargic }dizziness }weakness }liver disease |
禁忌/交互作用(Contraindications / interaction)
▼神經傳導(Nerve conduction)
▼肌肉簡介(muscle introduction)
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