免疫機制文章導覽(navigation of immune mechanism) 免疫系統(immune system) 免疫細胞(Immune cells) 淋巴球(Lymphocyte) 單核吞噬細胞系統(Mononuclear phagocyte system, MPS) 巨噬細胞(Macrophage) 巨噬細胞活化(Macrophage activation) Toll-like receptor, TLR 抗原呈現細胞(Antigen Presenting Cells, APCs) 樹突細胞(Dendritic Cells) 濾泡狀樹突細胞(Follicular dendritic cells) 白血球(Leukocyte) 白血球增多症(Leukocytosis) 黏膜免疫系統(Mucosal immune system) 微褶皺細胞(microfold cell, M cell) 上皮內淋巴細胞(Intraepithelial lymphocyte, IEL) 腸黏膜免疫系統(intestinal mucosal immune system) 麥麩/麵筋不耐症(Celiac Disease) 樹突細胞捕捉抗原(Dendritic cells capture antigen) 上皮細胞防禦機制(Epithelial cell defense mechanisms) 補體系統(complement system) 補體接受器(Complement receptor, CR) 免疫監控(Immune surveillance) 腫瘤逃脫免疫系統(Tumor escape from the immune system) 群落剔除(Clonal Deletion) 株落選擇(Clone Selection) 免疫耐受性(immune tolerance) 天然屏障 防禦素(defensins) 標籤: 免疫(immune), 免疫機制(immune mechanism), 導覽文(Navigation) 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章BlogThis!分享至 X分享至 Facebook分享到 Pinterest
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