懷孕文章導覽(navigation of pregnancy) 生殖系統(reproductive system) 懷孕(Pregnancy) 三月期(trimesters) 懷孕檢測(Detection of pregnancy) 子宮外孕(Ectopic pregnancy) 流產種類(Types of abortion) 胎盤(placenta) 胎盤生成(placentation) 胎盤膜(placental membrane) 胎兒與母體的連結(connection between fetus and mother) 異常胎盤(Abnormal placental) 臍帶(Umbilical Cord) 蛻膜(Decidua) 過度成熟症候群(Postmaturity Syndrome) 低出生體重(Low birth weight) 多胎懷孕(multiple pregnancy) 妊娠糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus, GDM) 懷孕期間母親的血量變化(Changes of maternal blood volume during pregnancy) 分娩(parturition)=生產 胎兒發育 幼兒發育里程碑(milestone of child) 測量胚胎的方法(Measurement methods of embryos) 標籤: 生殖(reproduction), 導覽文(Navigation), 懷孕(Pregnancy) 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章BlogThis!分享至 X分享至 Facebook分享到 Pinterest
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