演化論文章導覽(navigation of Evolution Theory) 生殖系統(reproductive system) 演化論(Evolution Theory) 採獵群(gatherer) 酋邦(chiefdom) 帝國(imperial) 部落(tribe) 現代國家基本要素(The elements of modern countries) 國家與政府的形式(Form of state and government) 鹽與奧地利酋邦的興衰(Salt and the rise and fall of Austria chiefdom) 北美洲的互補交換(Complementary exchange in North America) 帝國管理能力與距離關係(relationship between distance and management capabilities) 赭石遠征(ochreexpedition) 環境造成的漸變是可以遺傳的(epigenetic changes are inherited) 演變 環境/表現型可塑性(Developnental/Phenotypic Plasticity) 異時性(Heterochrony) 形態發生(morphogenesis) 天擇(natural selection) 標籤: 生殖(reproduction), 演化論(Evolution Theory), 導覽文(Navigation) 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章BlogThis!分享至 X分享至 Facebook分享到 Pinterest
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