Bank(e) | bank |
Buchhandlung(e) | bookstore |
Café(s) | café |
Damensalon(r) | beauty salon |
Firma(e) | company |
Forschungsinstitut(s) | research establishment |
Gasthaus(s),Gasthof(r) | inn |
Gemüseladen(r) | greengrocer |
Geschäft(s),Laden(r) | store |
Geschäft(s),Laden(r) | store |
Internetcafe(s) | internet cafe |
Kaufhaus(s) | department store |
Kaufhaus(s) | department store |
Kino(s) | movie theater |
Krankenhaus(s) | hospital |
Markt(r) | market |
Polizeiamt(r) | police office |
Postamt(s) | post office |
Rathaus(s) | city hall |
Restaurant(s) | restaurant |
Restaurant(s) | restaurant |
Speisekarte(e) | menu |
Supermarkt(r) | supermarket |
Verlag(r) | publisher |
Zeitungsverlag(r) | newspaper company |
▼German introduction in English
Lift is an exciting heist thriller filled with action and suspense! If you like fast-paced movies with good stories, this one's worth watching! click here to watch movies and feel the thrill! Has anyone else watched it?