舊紋狀體傳遞路徑(Paleostriatum pathway)

1. 傳入路徑:
A. 紋狀蒼白纖維( Striopallidal fibers): 源自Caudate nucleus與Putamen,為最主要的傳入。
B. 丘腦底部- 蒼白球纖維(Subthalamopallidal fibers): 源自Subthalamic nucleus→ 穿過internal capsule→ 進入Medial segment of the globus pallidus。神經傳遞物質為Glutamate。
C. 可能有一些黑質蒼白纖維(Nigropallidal fibers) 及皮質蒼白纖維(Corticopallidal fibers)。
2. 蒼白球的傳出纖維主要有下列四大神經束(由前至後):
A. 豆狀襟(Ansa lenticularis): 源自蒼白球的內節腹側(Lateral portion of the medial segment of the globus pallidus)→Forel’s field H→和豆狀束(Lenticular fasciculus)會合後,轉向外側進入Thalamic fasciculus→最後進入丘腦腹外側核前部(Anterior portion of the thalamic ventrolateral
B. 豆狀束(Lenticular fasciculus=Forel’s field H2): 源自蒼白球內節的背側(Inner portion of medial segment of globus pallidus)→穿過內囊(Internal capsule)→與豆狀襟(Ansa lenticularis)合併於Forel’s field H,再進入丘腦束(Thalamic fasciculus),最後進入丘腦腹外側核前部(Anterior portion of the thalamic ventrolateral nucleus)。
C. 蒼白球被蓋纖維(Pallidotegmental fibers): 源自蒼白球的內節(Medial segment of the globus pallidus)→到丘腦底部核的背內方(Dorsomedial to the subthalamic nucleus)→沿紅核的腹外緣(ventrolateral border of the red nucleus)下行→到中腦被蓋的尾核(Caudal midbrain tegmentum)→終止於橋腦腳間核(Pedunculopontine nucleus)。
D. 丘腦底部束(Subthalamic fasciculus): 含有由蒼白球穿過內囊到丘腦底部核的雙向纖維。
a. 蒼白球丘腦底部纖維(Pallidosubthalamic fibers): Primarily from the lateral segment of the globus pallidus→Subthalamic nucleus
b. 丘腦底部-蒼白球纖維(Subthalamopallidal fibers): Subthalamic nucleus→Primarily to the medial segment of the globus pallidus
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