Output the Google Analytics Geolocation Data to Google Map

1.To Google analytics sidebar, and select Geo→Location,and select "city"
2.Output Excel (.xlsx) file
3.At first, delete the Task "summary". (Because the Fusion Tables will input the first task.)
4.And next, create Fusion Tables in google drives. And click "create."
5.After created, it will jump out a window. And choose "From this computer", click "choose file."
6.Upload the file which is downloaded from Google Analytics.
7.Click "Next."
8.It will display preview at first. And click next.
9.Click Finish at last.
10.After enter board, you will see city colunm as yellow. Because these location havent't Geocode yet.
11.Click "Map of ~~", and it will output the map.
12.After click, it will create spots on the map. As your database has numerous cities(as more than 1000 cities), it may take half an hour to an hour.

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