Reflexive verbs in German、reflexive Verben in Deutsch

Reflexive verbs is the character of European language. It likes the phrases in English. Just remember them as phrases!!

The table below is the common reflexive verbs in German. Reflexive nouns (dich/dir) are used in second person, that can distinguish we should use reflexive noun in dative(Dativ) or accusative(Akkusativ) case.
To know what is reflexive noun, please see:Reflexive nouns in German、reflexivpronomen in Deutsch

waschen dich take shower
erholen dcih von Dat recuperate
erinnern (dich) an Akk remember
erkälten dich have sick
freuen dich auf Akk look forward
freuen dich über Akk feel happy to
halten dich an Akk abide by
Sorgen machen (dir) feel sad
Sorgen machen dir um Akk worry about
verändern dich change
vorstellen dich self introduce
vorstellen dir imagine
Zeit nehmen dir take it easy
treffen dich meet
fühlen dich feel

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